As a consultant, I provide valuable service to my clients in a variety of ways. I use my expertise to work with new or existing removable laboratories to increase their profitability utilizing a range of techniques from streamlining lab procedures to developing and marketing new products to lab clientele. I provide superb on-site training courses customized in content to suit the experience level of your technicians. For clients engaged in the manufacture and distribution of removable-related products or equipment, I provide consulting services that range from testing to introducing the products into the marketplace.
Every removable laboratory is unique in terms of: lab size, personnel, lab layout, workflow, price point and timetable. As a laboratory consultant, I analyze your laboratory’s current operations and then make suggestions to enhance the efficiency of your laboratory. My recommendations may include suggestions such as: rearranging workflow, techniques for consistently enhancing product quality, or expanding the range of services offered to your clients. I am available to work with you and your employees to implement those changes that you choose to make and to provide ongoing support on a continuing basis, as needed. For new removable laboratories or existing crown and bridge laboratories adding a removable lab to their operations, my consulting services can be invaluable in terms of: laying out your removable department, purchasing quality equipment, selecting and training competent personnel, and marketing your removable services to prospective clients.
Technical training is another tool available to improve the knowledge base and capabilities of your staff. I can provide customized one-day or half-day courses, eligible for continuing education credits, to select members of your staff at your laboratory. Course materials can be presented in lecture or demonstration format or in hands-on format in which your staff would fully participate and receive feedback. It has been my experience that quality training translates directly into quality work product, and ultimately, it is quality work product that keeps your clients coming back to your laboratory.
With over thirty years of experience in the dental industry, as an instructor, as a lab owner and working laboratory technician, and as a lecturer on behalf of a number of dental supply companies, I have used a countless variety of products including: teeth, acrylics, plaster, and waxes. I have also had experience with a wide range of removable-related equipment in the marketplace. If you are in the process of developing a type of material, a technique, or a piece of equipment, I can assist in the testing and evaluation process. I can also provide advice on how to most effectively and profitably market your idea.